Have you ever thought:
“I wish there was an easier way to get to Biscuit Run trails from our neighborhood”
Or, “With a little love, attention, and vision, this beach area could be really wonderful”
Or, “Gosh, we need to find a solution for road safety before someone gets seriously hurt”
Or perhaps you miss all the Lake Reynovia social events of yesteryear?
Now’s your chance to join a neighborhood-wide coordinated effort that can really make a significant impact here in our amazing neighborhood that’s ripe with potential.
**A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HAVE SIGNED-UP SO FAR! We have some really outstanding groups forming.**
I can tell you from experience that a volunteer board member’s life is often focused on putting out fires and attending to scheduled-needs (such as opening the pool), which leaves little time for proactive-planning and working toward larger neighborhood goals. We really need to create a vibrant committee structure to help our neighborhood reach its potential (and keep up our property values).
Any amount of time you can give to a committee would be so appreciated by all. It can be nothing some weeks and more other weeks. If you feel like you don’t have time right now but maybe in the future, PLEASE add your name to the google form so your email is added to the listserv for that committee. Then you can jump on projects when you have the time, or when you read about a current project that specifically interests you.
A special note about the social committee: This is an ultra-flexible group and perhaps it’s better to think of it like a listserv of folks that can be harnessed when someone has an idea for a seasonal event or notices a neighbor in need, etc… like a support network waiting in the wings. Please add your name to the google form if this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of.
Sign up here!
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