Good news neighbors! We are forming new committees in Lake Reynovia and we need YOU to make them possible!
Do you have a skill, interest, and/or idea that could benefit the neighborhood? Would you like to build community connections and friendships?
Three new Lake Reynovia committees (Lake, GreenScape, and Social Committees) and two temporary ad hoc committees (Road Safety and Play Area) are being created. This is a way you can help make significant, positive changes in our neighborhood, so please volunteer if you are able.
Details are included in the newsletter (LR Spring 2021 Newsletter – Committees PDF), which you will also find in your mailbox this week. Sign-up here by Friday, April 30th!
Update 4/19/21:
I’ve had a couple questions/concerns about the time commitments required by the committees. It’s really whatever you can give, which can be nothing some weeks and more other weeks. We all understand that we are all balancing so much, and everyone has different availability at different times. Regarding the “meet monthly” idea in the newsletter–each committee can interpret that as they see fit, whether that’s just some members touching base proactively through email and disseminating information to the rest of the committee, a scheduled meeting through zoom, or an optional, super casual, in-person walk by the lake to touch base, etc. The committees have abundant autonomy with support from the board when requested. You can make it how you want and could simply contribute when you’re able.
You could also say you’re really just interested in “X” aspect of that particular committee or a task force (e.g. just helping with seasonal events under the social committee), which is wonderful! Any help that you can contribute would be SO APPRECIATED by all. Reach out with any questions/concerns.
Jessica Kiley
Board member

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